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Old 06-12-2020, 03:04 PM   #1
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linkage from trans to shift column

I am finishing up putting a 350 turbo automatic transmission in my 68 truck, that was 3ott. I am to the part where you actually hook the transmission to the shifter linkage to column. Now. I haven't been able to find the linkage for the 68 auto, so I am now trying to use the 84 that was with the transmission in another truck. So far, I have borrowed from 4 different trucks and have all the pieces except for one. I need the spring that holds tension on the shift lever. Parts place have no idea what I am talking about and I haven't had any luck finding it on line. So, if any of my friends here have this spring or if you have the original set up for my 68 auto, please message me. Thanks!!
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