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Old 06-14-2020, 06:12 AM   #17
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Re: 1978 Chevy K20 longbed with nearly 500,000 miles! LS Swap begins!

Alright, finally made some progress on the truck itself!

Started off today by removing the driveshafts. The rear U-Joint was so worn that there were no needles left. I'm surprised it didn't fall out of the yoke! Definitely had it's moneys worth used up!

Drained the transfer case and transmission. The fluid came out looking brand new on both, so a gasket and seal kit should be good to get both cleaned up and back in service again.

The transfer case is out.

Transmission came next!

These SM465's sure are incredibly heavy for their size. That's cast iron for you!

And finally, the engine came out last!

I did a quick wipe down of the engine bay. Picking up some new engine and transmission mounts in the morning, and a few other small parts. The next step will be a lot of cleaning! I've already scraped a 5 gallon bucket's worth of grease off everything so far.

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