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Old 06-15-2020, 02:32 PM   #29
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Re: Harbor Freight Jack Stand Recall

Originally Posted by MidLifer View Post
Thanks for posting. Some folks like to bash HF but if you buy correctly they are good value. I bet their jack stands come from some of the same Asian vendors as those of other more upscale stores. I choose wisely what I buy at HF. I've had good luck there with:
- Consumables - cut off wheels, nitrile gloves
- Their older line of small equipment engines, which were Honda knock-offs for 1/3 the price which I still have one on a roto-tiller, starts every time
- Air tools, hoses and fittings - same Asian vendor as Campbell Hausfield
- I have a set of combination wrenches I bought there 8 years ago that are every bit as good as my Craftsman wrenches
- Their cheap spray guns, for primer and frame painting - use them once and toss them! No need to clean them!

I stay away from their power tools and basically anything electric.

YMMV as they say but it has its place.
If you ever buy good consumables like cutoff wheels, you will be amazed at how long they last. I used to buy all my cuttoffs and grind discs there but after having some come apart and the really short life I was seeing, I went name-brand and have not looked back.

I have some HF tools, specialty tools likely to only be used sparingly like ball-joint tool, fuel pressure gauge, even snap-ring pliers kit. They work fine for the few times I needed them. I lost my Mac timing light and bought one there. Not even close. HF compression tester no good either.

It all depends on your expectations I believe.
'83 K20-TPI
'73 C10
'79 C10-ex-diesel(SOLD)
'07 Tahoe(Son driving)
'14 Suburban-DD
'71 C10-current project
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