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Old 06-20-2020, 02:17 AM   #20
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Re: 1978 Chevy K20 longbed with nearly 500,000 miles! LS Swap begins!

A few more parts trickled in today. I was hoping for at least the transmission and transfer case gasket kit, but I guess I’ll see them next week. The Ram throw out bearing, the Earl’s adapter, and the 36” braided line.

Since not all the parts showed up, I got onto the cleaning and painting. The crossmember got a nice bath and fresh coat of paint!

The transmission was caked and took me most of the day and a nearly full case of brake clean to get it to where it’s recognizable as a transmission again. Mostly there!

Fully cleaned and ready for paint.

Shiny! It’ll still be resealed when the gasket and seal kits come in, but shouldn’t need much, if any, touch up when that happens.

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