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Old 06-30-2020, 10:33 PM   #4
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Re: Vacuum line to brake booster?

Originally Posted by MiraclePieCo View Post
I'm using the original vacuum wiper motor because it's smaller, lighter, and simpler than the big, heavy electric units, plus some previous owner removed the cowl vent so there's no bracket to brace the electric motor to. I'll never intentionally drive my truck in the rain anyway, so the wipers will get minimal use. Where you live, if you couldn't use your wipers you'd never drive your truck!
Too true. Without the vacuum assist type the wipers may stop at a critical moment and reduce vacuum to brake booster. Drove for years with just manifold vacuum off the 235 with factory brakes, The "swish chunk" of the wipers was an old familiar sound as was being blinded by rain when I stepped on accelerator. The electric isn't that big and i hear there are smaller units now.

Yes reliable wipers are very essential here. Got caught in a gale coming back up 101. 45 MPH+ wind and inch a minute rain for a while. Reminded my of monsoon in SEA jungle so long ago. BTW ADs have all the aerodynamics of a
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