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Old 07-07-2020, 12:48 PM   #11
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Re: Unconventional sway bar

Originally Posted by BlueJeep View Post
And please do inform about modifying the crossmember for better camber gain! I want to learn more!
I am going off memory here, but moving the lower a-arm forward 3/4 to 1 compared to the upper helps with camber gain. Also helps center up the wheel better. I have seen people re-drill mounting hole on the cross shaft for good results. But when I did it I had to cut, and weld.

Some say lowering the upper a-arm 1/2 inch helps alot too. I have done it, but never as a stand alone mod to determine the true impact. I have a dial guage I can use to determine if I need more or less. I will have my free project here hopefully in a few months, and the crossmember will be the first mod. Most of my plans are pretty out there, but I intend to taylor it to rally cross style racing. Even if the only person I race is myself.

Obviously the best shocks you can afford. Bilstiens are my fav, but KYB's are always a budget choice. I have used cheaper shocks in a dual shock arrangement, but that was for durability as a main course of action.

Depending on how low your Suburban is you may have to tweak shock lengths, and angles. The shock for ideal purposes should be at mid travel, and something less then a 15* lay back. Some say vertical is better to the axle, but laid back towards the wheel. All agree too much angle greatly reduces shock effectiveness.

Most importantly there is a long thread on how to make it handle. Which offer more opinions on which to base your needs/wants.
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