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Old 07-07-2020, 04:53 PM   #373
J Williams
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Originally Posted by roll_the_dice View Post
OK slowly moving along between raindrops.

I have never bent or run or flared brake lines before. I had heard nightmares with the rental flaring tool from an auto parts I spent the $ on a used Eastwood flaring tool. I know this won't be my only build, so I figured it would be worth it to get good flares. This tool is simple to use and the flares are ...dare I say...beautiful. Fortunately, all I had to do was bend lines for the rear from the front Tee to the prop valve and from the Tee that connected the front to the prop valve. Since my other lines were garbage and twisted like a root from a tree...I couldn't use them as a guide. So after lots of on my back under the truck, bend, test, bend, test...etc etc...I finally finished both lines. I don't think it looks too bad for a novice. I had visions of being fancy and doing a coil, but that quickly went out the let's get them run and functional. Anyway, here are a few of the flaring tool, one of a sample flare and finally the finished look with the copper nickel lines. Now I just need to bleed them.
Looks great to me! I have flared brake lines before with the “cheap” flaring tool and haven’t had issues in the past..... that being said I hope my brake lines don’t have any issues.
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