Originally Posted by TBONE1964
Do you know Shawn Parsons in Creswell, OR? He is C10flipper on Instagram. This red and white truck looks very close to one he did which converted a long bed C20 to a short C10.
When all the nice long 1/2 tons are gone, what's the option. Soon you will see more or this as the supply runs out.
Myself, I am a C20 long bed guy but would own a K20 if affordable, which they are not any more.
These guys doing these conversions from long to short, c20 to c10 and LS swaps are getting $10K -$15K. The truck is still patina or rotted, whatever you prefer to call it. scratched glass, ripped seats, no finish work at all.
My prayer is that the younger guys getting into these trucks do them justice and keep them going, long after we are gone. The probability is low but at least we can hope that our generation will help those young guys grow some interest.
I believe it is stronger now than even 5 years ago. Facebook has probably 100 different Chevy truck related pages to choose from.
I am very old school but have to understand the age of LS is here and its not going away. Embrace it or not.   
Wow, Junction City
Years ago we had property at the end Of High Pass Rd.
Developed a vineyard, though we would eventually move up there
But never did. Ended up selling the property.
I do know Shawn
I actually bought the truck from him to save it, a while back
Since I’m always playing with these trucks, I decided to have him
‘Chop and Drop’ it. As he says
One thing leads to another
Through several discussions and trade deals
He ended up getting the truck back
As it should be....
I was really in the mood of selling off trucks
And he has the market those buyers
I also still really like stock, original trucks.
But I get less bent out of shape when people do their mods
I do however question how a built truck like that
Can command close the the same money as an original
‘To each his own’
Just think of how many trucks we lost in the good old days
When so many were parted out ! (Not by me)
If I Posted all the spids of those glove boxes on the wall
It would make you cry