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Old 07-10-2020, 06:54 PM   #379
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Re: 1965 LWB Stepside Build

Originally Posted by straight6chevyguy View Post
Keep up the great work it's looking good!
And the dually looks like the beginning of another great project!
Thanks! I think the dually will be fun, but I won't start anything on it until I finish my current one.

Going to bleed my brakes tomorrow morning. I went around and made sure all the bleed valves would open yesterday. Got the 2 for the rear drums cracked...the fronts would not budge and one broke. I tried PB Blaster, heat, etc etc and multiple times...I tried everything. Then I went out and spent $22 per wheel for new brake calipers! So today I swapped out my front calipers and put in new pads at the same time. Was worth the $ not to fight with the bleed screws any longer. Probably should have swapped out rotors also, but I will down the road.

Once the brakes and clutch are bled, I am going to start buttoning up the front end and getting things back together! Shouldn't be long before I am driving it.
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