okay, so i dont have my piston stop yet, but i used a large hex key. it turns out, that the degrees printed on the balacer are correct and that i do have the right pointer. cept it shows TDC as 5 degrees on the balacer. i'm gonna measure again when i have the piston stop, and i'm sure it will be exactly at 0 degrees like it should.
i dont know what i was doing wrong before. oh well, its running tons better now. i guess i had it advanced about 40-50 degrees more than it should have(if thats right)
i took it for a drive and no more pinging... at all!! thats with 91 octane too, so now my gas station choices are a lot larger(and cheaper) meaning i dont have to run 93 octane anymore with octane booster just to get it not to ping.
oh yeah, it will spin the tire from a good roll
maybe it can run better than a 15.72....