Thread: lmc burb
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Old 07-13-2020, 10:09 AM   #8
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Re: lmc burb

Originally Posted by mrtoni View Post
I would say ochre vs wheatland
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I am certainly not the authority on paint colors, mrtoni...especially not from a picture, as filters and such can enhance/change the looks of a tone. When I saw the cover shot on the LMC catalog, I gasped as I don't see my color that often...and what's funny is that I was looking for an "Ochre" Suburban when I found this "Medium Yellow" one for sale and had to convince myself that I would learn to love the brightness of this yellow (which I did and do). I had to do a little investigating to find out what "Medium Yellow" was called in the '72 charts, and the number corresponds to "Wheatland Yellow" (a "Fleet" color). When ever I see a SPID on an "Ochre" truck, it spells out "Ochre" (as does this really nice example on the LMC catalog) and thought something got lost in translation??? I have never seen a SPID (including mine) that spells out "Wheatland Yellow", so you could be completely right. I just thought "Ochre" was a more subdued yellow, like a golden mustard color? In the LMC catalog at the top of the first page of the write-up, there are pictures of other trucks, and the two center ones show where my confusion comes from. I would call the center one on the right "Ochre" and the center one on the left "Medium-Yellow" or "Wheatland"...but if I'm wrong, I'm wrong? In any case, Seth's Suburban is an outstanding example of how nice a Suburban can be, and could make the cover of many magazines!


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