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Old 07-27-2020, 02:57 PM   #130
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Re: 51 Chev on a S10 frame, named Dale

8man - doing the cables is not that bad, just make sure you get cables that are longer than you need, cut them to the length you want, weld a 'tab' on the end, and you have custom length cables. Maybe not pretty, but it works, and no one will see the end. (sorry for the fuzzy pic)

I added a clamp to the floor to keep the cables up and away from the driveshaft. I wish I mounted the assembly a bit higher, but with the plate behind, I can't now. I will clean up the assembly before I add an interior.... but it does work.

as for the door switch, good eye, (you guys don't miss a thing) My wiring harness had the interior door switch wires, so I picked up a few switches, and 2 under dash lights for each end of the dash, and fished some wire from the door jamb to above the kick panels.

I did attach my battery (for the first time) and all was good. No smoke, and the door switches work manually, but I don't have my doors on yet..... maybe add a shim to the door??? not sure,

under dash lights

door jamb switch
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