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Old 08-01-2020, 10:03 AM   #13
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Re: ???Coolant Temperature Sending Unit???

Originally Posted by LockDoc View Post
The more accurate reading would be where you have the mechanical sender bulb in the head, the intake port where you have the electric will read cooler....

210º is not out of line for a big block. There should be another one of the head ports on the passengers side at the back of the head by #8. The temp there usually reads a little higher than the one on the drivers side by #1.

Thanks Leon...what you said about Head port readings verses Intake port readings makes total sense, especially considering that the heads/block are what we are trying to protect (as opposed to the Intake)...but how much difference should we expect? If I was a little more "obsessed " with knowing that answer, I'd swap locations of the sender bulb and electric sending unit...then record those results...but I just got everything buttoned-up so nice, and what I really want to know is whether or not I am close to doing damage when the factory gauge is maxed out?

So if 210 isn't out of line for a big block...when should I start to worry?

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