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Old 08-01-2020, 05:34 PM   #14
The Older Generation

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Re: ???Coolant Temperature Sending Unit???

Originally Posted by Beach-Burban View Post
Thanks Leon...what you said about Head port readings verses Intake port readings makes total sense, especially considering that the heads/block are what we are trying to protect (as opposed to the Intake)...but how much difference should we expect? If I was a little more "obsessed " with knowing that answer, I'd swap locations of the sender bulb and electric sending unit...then record those results...but I just got everything buttoned-up so nice, and what I really want to know is whether or not I am close to doing damage when the factory gauge is maxed out?

So if 210 isn't out of line for a big block...when should I start to worry?


I never did a scientific test on it but I think 10 - 15º higher at the head.

220 - 225 all the time on the open road I would start to worry. Others may disagree.


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