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Old 08-01-2020, 09:49 PM   #38
Old Truck Man
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Re: Setbacks. Thanks to COVID...

Originally Posted by Sevens View Post
Losing a loved one is never easy. My father passed away New Year's Eve. This year has been especially hard for many of us.

You may not be affect very much, but others are.

Your perspective is exactly that.

Rona fallout isn't a big thing...except when you lose all of your income and are unable to find a job. You grow your own food; I don't. You have a permanent source of income; I don't. I am not bothered or affected by Rona other than the fact that because of it...I was laid off.

Side note - I regret venting on this forum.
Ive been out of work many times. I drew unemployment and when laid off We worked on the goal of being debt free and self reliant. and always saved 10% when I was working. Then I switched from being a heavy equiptment operator to a Truck Driver. And I always had a job when I wanted one. I was able to ouit selling part of my life for wages and start playing with my hoard at age 62.
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