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Old 08-02-2020, 09:02 AM   #10
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Re: Little PO'D right now.

Tieing in to related experiences, it seems people are unwilling to be upfront about anything anymore, and lack the common courtesy of letting you know whats up.

How difficult is it to post on your website; we're moving so orders will be delayed, or make it obvious that parts are drop shipped and not a stock item? Yeah, summit has this note on some things, but more often than not I see little tiny print that has some ridiculous future shipping date listed which just masks the fact items are drop shipped. Doesn't say not in stock, but it also doesn't say the item is drop shipped.

I was talking to some younger individual recently about keeping people updated, in the loop, giving them negative news I got the response of 'why? Just let it go, why drag it out?' Drag it out!? Me letting you know that I can't fullfill something, or am not satisfied with your response is not dragging it out, but common courtesy. Hopefully thats not a widely held opinion by younger folks, but I do get suspicious of it when you see a similar attitude played out in various industries.

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