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Old 08-06-2020, 10:58 PM   #21
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Re: Help lowering an '83 C30 Crew Dually

Originally Posted by catch2otwo View Post
why not just get the 22s from Todd? you dont need to run a srw axle. his flat face setup clears the fenders with the stock rear.

I get my truck back in about a week, you are welcome to come take a look.
At the time I didn't know that Lowboy sold rims as they are not listed on his website. The only way that I have been able to get a hold of him was to call as I never received an email response. I was really surprised that he answered each time which is awesome! I kept flipping back and forth on whether or not that I wanted the stock classic Alcoa hole size or the larger milled out holes. Currently I am leaning towards the stock Alcoa hole size look.

Extreme was also about a grand less on the rims and adapters.

What is your setup? Truck, Suspension, Wheels/Tires etc etc etc
Are you over in the City? Where is your truck now?
I would like to check it out, thanks for the offer
Sent by the random thoughts from the voices in my head...
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