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Old 06-29-2004, 08:38 PM   #3
Bill W
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Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Oregon
Posts: 229
Originally Posted by 87gmc
I have a 1987 Chevy 5.7 Tbi. When I go to set the timeing to the 0' it calls for, my truck wants to die. I remember that you have to unlpug something on this truck to get the right timing, but dont rememeber what it is or where it is located. Any help would be appreciated.

TBI injection have a brown wire usually coming from the computer under the dash where the glove box is. It should come out through the firewall into the engine bay. It needs to be unplugged to time the engine. When timing is set, shut off the engine, plug back in the brown wire. Then I would unhook the battery to reset the computer memory. Hook battery back up after a few minutes, then restart the engine and let idle so comp can relearn new parameters. Have fun.

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