Re: Manual to power brakes on 1961 Apache
One other thing - I also was NEVER able to get my brakes to bleed on my 64 C-10 after swapping to front Disc brakes & I used EVERYTHING off the 73 donor truck. Gravity bleeding, having my wife pump up the brake pedal & hold it as I bled the brakes, I used a Mighty Vac to try & draw the brake fluid through. That didn't work either. My proportioning valve is also located in the 73 stock location under the radiator. Since my master cylinder is a 73 & cast iron I ended up making a cover plate from some 1/4" aluminum plate we had at the shop and added a 1/4" ball valve and a pressure gauge, I used some small chain to wrap around the master & plate. I ended up having to use around 15 PSI air pressure over the brake fluid filled master to finally push the brake fluid through master & all 4 wheel cylinders. That finally got them to bleed correctly and I had pedal pressure. I was later told that 7 or 8 LBS of air pressure should have done it but it took a good 15 LBS on my home made contraption to get them to bleed. If you have a friend that has access to a real brake pressure bleeder - see if you can borrow it and give that a try. I'll see if I can find some pictures of my home made pressure bleeder contraption but I did all this probably about 7 or 8 years ago.