Originally Posted by CG
Good points! That search really throws people off, Ive been using it forever and it still throws me sometimes lol.
And you are right about this place being found pretty quickly, but it seems to me a lot of Burb and Panel guys are just that, Burb and Panel and dont know that from the rear of the doors forward everything is the same as the truck. And basically, except for the shape of the frame out back everything is the same drivetrain wise.
I hope you don't mind a "Newbie" throwing in his two cents on this, as I didn't know of this site when they were "all in one". I found this site while I was at the beginning of my search to purchase a 67-72 Suburban that would be my retirement project...and that search started a good 5 years or more before I retired!
Even though I found and bought the Beach-Burban about a year and a half before retirement, I continued to "lurk in the shadows" until retirement (social media of any kind was frowned upon by my department), but this was the first online group I joined. By this time, I had read every post on every thread of the Suburban/Panel message board (and yes, I didn't have a clue about how to use the "search feature") but even so...I am a "Newbie" and felt like one as I knew no one, however, the way the members come to the aid of one another made (makes) me feel that there are no stupid questions, even when it has been asked and answered before. Eventually I dipped my toes in the water, and was thrilled by how I was received! Everybody probably doesn't over analyze "online group's hierarchy" the way that I do (partly me and partly department training), but I'll bet there are many that feel this way to some degree.
Sorry for the long-winded post, but what I really wanted to toss into the discussion, is that I think it is easier for new potential members to find the group of their choosing by keeping it as is. I just recently stumbled into the "Truck" side...and I love these trucks (I would have one in addition to the Burb if my circumstances were different)...but the members of both sides are great...and that's what matters!