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Old 08-10-2020, 05:36 PM   #10
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Re: Merge with truck side of the board?

Originally Posted by CG View Post
Beach - You are one of the reasons I was thinking it would be at least something to think about. There are questions that get asked by the new folks in the Burb/Panel world that would get a ton of answers if they were asked on the truck side because of the similarities with Burbs and Trucks. My guess is newbies to the 67-72 Burbs and Trucks probably have no idea how similar they are, I sure didn't when I first got in to them.

I see a lot of questions barely get any or no responses here because there just isn't the traffic on this side of the board.

But your point is well taken about you possibly not even landing on this site if we didn't have the Burb/Panel area.
CG...I totally understand the point you are making as well...and it has taken me this long to venture out of the small Suburban/Panel "pond" and into the large Truck "ocean". "Newbies" can learn a lot by reading the old, old, old posts...kind of like doing research/homework without being graded! One thing though...I've noticed how often new topics pop-up on the Truck side...and it's so often that it takes a while to catch-up (if that makes any sense?). When I sign-in, I always start with the Suburban/Panel side...and after I read EVERY post there (which I agree, doesn't usually take very long), I jump over to the Truck side, where in all honesty, I can't read every post (or I would never get anything done) but instead hunt for something that peaks my interest. I prefer reading everything anyone writes as it makes me feel more connected to the group...and if I ever get a chance to put a face to the name, maybe we won't feel like strangers? I have met one member in person...another "Newbie" going by Gratefuldog...and Pete is a very cool guy with some excellent skills! Frequenting the Truck side makes the "real world" opportunities to meet another member that much more of a possibility...which is a very positive thought in my book! Either way that it goes...separate or combined...I'm in for the long haul. Thanks for starting the will probably encourage others to jump around the "Board" a bit more!

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