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Old 08-12-2020, 10:45 AM   #4
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Join Date: Nov 2016
Location: Vancouver BC
Posts: 162
Re: What do the pros do? Rust repair.

If you want it really well done get it dipped. Redi-Strip is not acid dipping it is alkali. it takes off everything that is not solid metal and comes out rust free. Once your metal work is complete you re-dip it in phosphate and every crevice is coated. It's time consuming and expensive. You wouldn't want to do it on one of our trucks because there is no way to sell your truck for near anywhere what it costs to do. Better to spend $5,000 on a rust free cab and doors to start.

There are rust converters like Rustmort and other phosphate sprays you can shoot into voids that will do an okay job.
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