All those blueberries! Yum! By the time I got my sorry kiester out of bed and made breakfast for the wife and I (fried baby potatoes and bacon), it was too hot to go out in the garage and work on a carving I'm making. High point of the day I guess was taking one of our recycle bins over to the neighbor across the street to use. We share stuff back and forth. Last time I got help from them was putting 2 tons of gravel onto our parkway (though I was almost done by then, I'm not complaining!). There I was, an old man with a back brace, leaning against a tree, and the guy came running over and started slinging that gravel like I USED to be able to do when I was his age.

And he wouldn't even take my money! That's good neighbors! I've given them leftover drywall from when I had to bust out and replace the drywall when the shower transfer valve in the front bathroom leaked, complete with tape and mud. That stuff will just get damaged and/or go bad if left around, plus I got rid of it. Win-win!