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Old 08-21-2020, 05:56 PM   #5
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Re: Nv4500 swap question

Since your bellhousing has the low passenger side slave cylinder, it means you have the 92-95 nv4500. This nv4500 has the same size bearing retainer as the sm465, so you can modify the transmission to fit the sm465 bellhousing. If you're willing to drill and tap the transmission, this will be your cheapest and best option.

There should be a link to how to do this in the linked facebook file. Look for a link from
1987 C6P V20 truck, 2010 LMG 5.3, AFM delete, 2010 Camaro exhaust manifolds, 1997 nv4500, 1991 np241c, hydroboost, 2005 14bff axle & driveshaft, drop-n-lock gooseneck, 4.10 gears, stock suspension, rims, and tires. Still a work in progress. Any questions or suggestions are welcome!
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