Thread: 47-55.1 Removing inner fenders
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Old 08-22-2020, 09:51 PM   #3
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Re: Removing inner fenders

I think you would spend more time trying to do it with the fenders in place than you would just taking the fender and inner off as one chunk. take the latch panel off, take the grille out, unbolt the fender at the cab and toe board, unbolt the inner fender support at the core support, a couple more bolts at the core support and it will all slide apart.

rusty bolts breaking is probably your fear, right? on the core support soak em with a mix of acetone and atf, same with the toe board on the drivers side. on the passenger toe board and on the cab to fender bolts, you are better off just resigning yourself to new hardware and TIGHTENING to snap the through bolts.

the reason you snap those but take care of the core support is because through bolts are easily replaced but drilling out broken bolts in the core support and toe board nutserts is no way to spend an afternoon (a weekend)
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