Thread: Nutserts
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Old 08-23-2020, 07:57 PM   #3
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Re: Nutserts

Originally Posted by SCOTI:
"I used the bolt & nut method after more than one instance where there isn't room for the tool pictured & the smaller rivet-gun style of tool wore my hand out after the 2nd or 3rd insert. Then, while @ my local 'premium' hardware outlet Elliott's, I found a set-up that's like the nut/bolt method but is easier to use. They were about $10 for each size needed.
Just to follow up on this.... I was asked in a PM about what I used/found @ my local 'premium' hardware joint. Here is an image of the set-up. I purchase one for each size I commonly use (1/4", 5/16, & 3/8). The nut-sert goes into the panel (keep the hole small enough so the inserts serrated edges grip the metal). The die slips over the bolt. Thread the bolt into the inset. As the bolt tightens, the die helps keep the insert from moving while it collapses the insert 'barrel'. They were less than $10 for each size. I put a dab of anti-seize on the bolt threads to prolong the thread life."
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