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Old 09-04-2020, 12:21 PM   #1
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Lug Nuts project: Jims 72' Cheyenne Super

its backstory: this truck has been in my boss' (Jim) family for all its life (his grandpa bought it new). Jim told me the truck was tore down about 9yrs ago to get redone, during the juggle of going from one body guy to the next, the primer/work started to lift and began to flake from the metal. my bossman was upset and to storage it went.

here we are today. I was hired a few years back and have a little back ground in tinkering with trucks, metal fab, bodywork, etc.. he then hired another guy who has a background in paint, body and airbrushing. we have built a few vehicles now at the shop and the time has come for Jims truck. as of now we are about 2months in. We pulled it out of storage and cleaned it out. Rolled it over to our bay and the work began. We stripped all material off to get down to the metal. It looked as if the metal etching used did not bond with the primer? Once stripped down we found lots of hidden issues and started the repair work. We worked the cab over pretty good but with our time line always in a crunch we opt to order new bed panels and front fenders (we will repair the other panels later on the slow down time and reuse or sale).

once done the overall truck will be close to a stock look with some small custom things done. only thing major I guess is taking it from the 8 lug, 3/4 ton 2whl drive frame, to the new 5 lug 2whl drive frame. it'll run disc brakes in all corners, vintage air for the ac, and Dakota digital gauges.
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Lug Nuts Classic Rides. (Bodywork, small fab, and Restorations)
Perry, Ok.
We're just two guys, trying our best.

72 cheyenne super

55 chevy truck

Last edited by nvrsatisfied; 09-09-2020 at 05:45 PM.
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