theodd said: "If I only had the $500+gas and a ride up there. But alas I don't, and the woman would kill me if I bought another.
If you still have it when I have the money we'll see what we can do, okay?
quick question, I've never worked on a straight six before. "one of the side plates blows out oil at 2000+ rpm" What is a side plate? How bad does it "blow oil"???"
reply: The side plates are on the passenger side of the Motor underneath the sparkplugs and above the cam. IF you remove them you would gain access to the Hydrolic lifters. there is a gasket on the plates. I dont' seem to have a problem when i run in or around town, it's when i run on a longdidstance trip and have to keep it above 60 or 2200. i would say it uses 3 quarts a month maybe.
Chris said: "How come all of the cheap projects are in (ok, near...) Tennessee... "
Reply: what part of iowa do you live in. I have some family in Hannibal MO which is just south of the MO IA line. Let's see if we can see what to do?
'01 Camaro
Son, you just can't get there from here...