Thread: MT 16"x5" 6 lug rims
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Old 09-08-2020, 11:28 PM   #5
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Re: 16"x5" 6 lug rims

Here are the 16" x 5" 6 lug rims I have for sale. The 3 black rims are dated 62 and do not have the exposed rivets on the back side. The 2 yellow rims do have the exposed rivets on the back side. Of the 2 yellow rims one is dated 68. I cannot see a date on the other one. The one yellow rim has some hammer marks on the high edge which I have circled with a felt marker. Could be covered up by a hubcap if you were using them. They all appear to be in good condition with just surface rust. They have not been sandblasted or cleaned up. I can take them to a tire company and have them checked for trueness if you would like. Hope this helps make you decision.
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