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Old 09-09-2020, 09:36 PM   #28
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Re: ???Coolant Temperature Sending Unit???

Originally Posted by FLYNAVY30 View Post
I've been doing a lot of research on this exact topic, as I needed to replace the water pump on my Corvette. I found an excellent article written by one of the NCRS guys about how cooling systems work, and how to troubleshoot overheating issues (as they are common in early Corvettes). A few of my lessons learned:

1. Pusher fans are a band aid solution for something else wrong with the cooling system

2. Ignition timing, especially with vacuum advance has more to do with cooling than I ever imagined

3. Thermostat temp setting has nothing to do with the maximum cooling ability of the system, or what your temperature will rise to in a given situation.

If you shoot me an email (, I can send you the full .pdf article. It is specific to the cooling system in the early Corvettes, but 95% of it applies to any old cooling system.
Thanks Greg...E-mail is on the way!

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