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Old 09-11-2020, 04:54 PM   #12
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Re: Grizz's Redneck Express 1966 Chevy Short Fleetside RESTO-GO!

At last, 26 hrs late.

Sorry team.

So the last pic from the road, before they rolled up to my place was this......

So I set up with phone on video to capture the arrival.

And photos for the story.

By the time had done faffing with[hotels for you guys, Fil who had had a long, stressful day, was already at it.

I was pleased with what I saw of course.

Once unloaded, we pushed it through to the back of the kitchen.

This thing is incredibly light too, I was surprised.

After unloading, I hooked the Galaxy up and took the trailer up to the farm where the owner lives.

They did not hear me, or the dogs knocking, and it took me 20 minutes to get Nick to answer the door.

A quick chat and road report, had me telling him the one tyre had let go on the motorway, but been replaced en-route.
Mainly to make sure he checked the others as usually if one goes, the rest are shortly to follow.

Here is where the story changes direction for the good, in fact, for the great......

He asked in surprise how much it had been ( Do remember that I had already paid for it and was happy to take responsibility) old rule of borrowing: “You bend it, You mend it” so not a problem.
I had told Fil when it happened to just do whatever needed to be done.

So he insisted that he reimburse me for the cost, I declined, he insisted, I declined again, he walked away to the house, and I started to drive to the gat, and he came out with cash in hand, saying it was his trailer and would have been his cost in any case in 800 miles had I not used it.

After once more declining the money, he said that it would displease him if I did not take the money, I had also offered to go half and half with him.

I guess for a guy with a 4 week old Tesla, an Audi R8 , Bentley and Range Rover plus a few very nice motorbikes on his drive, who still does his own bodywork and is currently restoring an older Jeep CJ for his wife, this is not a biggie.

To me, the cash was already spent when Fil had the blow out, however, this once again reiterated the nature of this hobby and the people who inhabit this space.

So, result.

After getting back and parking the Galaxy, we decided Fish nd Chips we’re in order, rather than me making dinner.

We sat chatting till quite late, after which Fil and Nikki Headed for the camper, as they declined the indoors.

My night sucked as usual, but I woke to a real nice lazy sunrise.

Looking out the bedroom window my eye was instantly drawn to the Rezin Rockit.

For now, it is early days and like a toddler it will take time to find its feet.

Becoming a Teenager later, though still not quite knowing its ultimate destiny or even having a real identity.

My day was filled with a load of small unrelated jobs and I did not get to touch it till about 3.30 this afternoon.

More later.
MY BUILD LINK:]Redneck Express - 1966 C10 Short Fleetside
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