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Old 09-13-2020, 11:40 AM   #1
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Quick Saturday Project, LED Gear Indicator Light

I've been working my way through some final interior details, one of which was a fairly crusty gear indicator. After disassembling it for paint, I noticed that the fiber optic cable was cut right after it exited the steering column, and the bulb holder was MIA. So, I decided to upgrade to some newfangled LED magic. $6 later...magic!

I used these 3mm warm white LEDs which already have a load resistor on them.

For power I tapped into the empty inst/gauge illumination spade on the fuse block (right beneath the fuse) with a 1A in-line fuse just in case the wires I pulled ever short. If you decide to do this, make sure you use small gauge wires to power the LED. Pulling 18ga through the steering column was a PITA.

The end result is really nice, dims perfectly along with my classic instruments cluster, and should last much longer than the OG bulb/fiber solution.
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