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Old 09-15-2020, 12:12 PM   #499
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Re: 1965 LWB Stepside Build

You know, you take things apart months/years ago and then when it is time to go back's a head scratcher! For the life of me I could not remember how the headlights and buckets went back in...but after staring at it long enough I finally remembered!! It seems like the simple things take the longest.

Waiting on a few things to come in today to finish wiring the lights, then install the grille. Taking the truck Thursday to get exhaust, my dash radio patch panel welded in, and my A/C checked and charged. While it is in the shop, I hope to finish the plywood bed so when she comes home, I can mount the bed and drive! Any other cosmetic work I want to do will be a work in progress as I drive the truck.
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