Thread: It Hauls Ass!!!
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Old 07-01-2004, 02:51 PM   #1
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It Hauls Ass!!!

With the help of 69ride we got the truck running properly now. To all you guys that were helping me out in chat,....a big thanks, but it was my own dummy fault on this one. I had #5 amd # 7 plug wires crossed, causing that damn popping. I started going thru the simple thigns first and the firing orser was second on the list.

I got the flatbed all planked this morning and am moving onto the tail lights ( see separate post) then I have to bolt down some seats, paint the rest of the flames and shoot a new coat of paint on the rallies before saturday. It feels so good to get the bugs worked out
My name's Tim and I'm a truckaholic

My 56 Chevy shop truck build
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