Originally Posted by Johns 66
Looks killer Andy....one day mine will grow up and be like yours....lol
Originally Posted by cwcarpenter98
That's rad 
Thanks! I love it.
Today between the raindrops, I wired the relays for the headlights, wired the lights and installed the grille. I forgot to take a couple of pictures unfortunately. My main goal with the wiring was to be able to remove the grille easily if necessary. I bought some weatherpack connectors and wired the light green low beam wire and tan high beam wire coming out of the radiator support to the grille. I also wired the headlight relay and electric fan relay to a Mega Fuse to alleviate more connections to the battery.
I will try to get some pictures of the wiring harness I made with the weatherpack tomorrow.
I still need to finish wiring the electric fan, but that should be straight forward.
Here are a few pictures.