Thread: cowl hood idea
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Old 07-01-2004, 09:49 PM   #2
440 american Horses
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In my honest opinion, I'm not fond of trucks with cowl induction hoods. Yes, I agree that the look alright and function if mounted properly. But I see way too many trucks with cowl hoods on the road and would rather see something different. What vehicle are you pulling this cowl from? If you want a cowl, why not fab an aftermarket steel or fiberglass one to your hood. It'd probably end up being a little less stressful in the long run. Just my two cents dude. Good luck. Oh and for my truck, I snuck a Mopar 6-pack scoop on there, but modified it a little for my personal satisfaction.
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Seth Petro

1969 Chev Short Step
425hp 350, TH400, big tires, fast truck
1979 Pontiac Trans Am
1991 Saturn SL1 - gas mileage! (and free)
1977 Buick LeSabre - for sale

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