I'm thinking of placing some strobe-LIKE LEDS in my reverse lights and in my grill. Just like the fire/vulenteerfire trucks / unmarked police cars etc. Always wanted a police type light bar deal but, cops would give my too much of a problem and i can only have AMBER and maybe WHITE. With the LEDS they're hidden, and clear when OFF...so its all good. Just like the fire/vulenteerfire trucks / unmarked police cars etc.. They're pretty trick, easy to install, and look like alot of fun. I was just wondering if any of you have any of these products or ones close to them. I'd like some ideas and also to see how some if any of you went about it. Not sure what colors i want. Probably amber/white since that's all i'll get away with legally. I'll probably get some blue ones in the grill too - for fun

Car shows, right lol
Thanks guys