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Old 10-02-2020, 10:58 PM   #10
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Re: Pulling an engine/tranny out of a van advice...I know someone has done it??

if keeping the van intact, remove front bumper, grille etc etc, remove trans, remove accy from front of engine, remove intake manifold and distributor so you have less height, then chain the engine fore to aft as short as possible, like from pass rear to drivers front, hook the cherry picker as tight as possible then lift and pull out the front. been there, done that. I once did an astro van 4.3l and pulled it out through the bottom with brute strength and a trans jack but removed heads first. a nightmare to get back in that way but kept the a/c intact.
if scrapping the van, and don't care about cutting things up, just cut away what you need to get it out. still suggest to remove trans and flexplate first and hook the picker as short as possible. take it out the front or the side. front just has better access for the picker. you could also lift the body off at the front high enough to get the engine out.
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