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Old 10-18-2020, 09:31 AM   #3
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Re: What is your trucks name

My 72 Short Fleet is now called Glory since its now nice and shiny . My late wife named it Faded Glory when we first got it cause it was pretty rough looking .
My 97 3/4 ton 4x4 has been named TrashTruck by a good friend after I took out a trash can to keep from being hit Head on .
My Blue 70 Stepper project is named Rusty Blue , even though the rust was repaired by Rusbuit StreetRods , it will retain its Patina and factory paint .
My blue 72 4x4 needs a new name as I dont remember what I called it , I think I just called it the 4x4 .
My recently purchased 74 Suburban is called the Ramblin Wreck , as it had an accident during the previous owners move from Arizona to North Carolina that messed up the driver rear quarter .
My 65 shorty service truck project is currently called Ma Bell as it was a BellSouth Truck in its original life .
My others are non trucks so I wont mention them .
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