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Old 10-19-2020, 11:45 AM   #24
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Re: Lug Nuts project: Jims 72' Cheyenne Super

hdff... thanks for the pics, gives me a good look at an interior setup. even though our build will be blue interior it gives me a good idea of layout.

72 tigger...thanks

mayo70... I made these panels. But you can also search and find similar ones online, some of the ones online have speaker cutouts also if you want that option. it was just hard for me to shell out the $140 for the pair when I have ability to make them. all I did was cut some cardboard up and started making a template. HEADS UP: if you do make them the corners are slightly different, so make a template for both sides. ***note*** I built mine without any flooring (carpet or matting) so your height may vary on what you have for flooring. i'm just going to sheer off what I need off once the carpet is installed, if need be. also not sure how the one's online fit but I wanted mine to go along inner part of the door so the door seal would go over them for a transition look and help hold in place along that tall edge, I also have two screws per panel at the top to hold there.

build update... we finally got the bed shot on late Friday afternoon, so we'll work on getting it on this week and hopefully getting the front clip on and start running the wire. going to have to redo the tranny lines from cooler back, they look $hitty to me...
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Lug Nuts Classic Rides. (Bodywork, small fab, and Restorations)
Perry, Ok.
We're just two guys, trying our best.

72 cheyenne super

55 chevy truck
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