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Old 10-19-2020, 04:55 PM   #3
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Posts: 375
Re: 69 C60 Mega Truck Hauler

Here's the carnage. All the wires/hoses and a couple air brake lines are shot. The distributor is melted beyond me messing with. The carb doesn't appear to be bothered by anything that happened. It looks like there had to have been a small gas leak somewhere in the fuel line either my glass filter or my fuel pressure gauge. The was enough gas to make its way down to the header and spray everything else. Once it hit the header that's all she wrote. Any solid evidence was burnt up.

I've been reading a lot about these tall deck distributors, is there a go to one for these engines? I love a good running carb but am debating going to fuel injection. Anyone have a recomindation on a fuel injection kit?
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