Thread: Rear end help
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Old 10-21-2020, 10:18 AM   #1
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Rear end help

So I bought a rear end from a local guy and he wasn't sure if it was a 68, 69, or a 70....The problem I have is I want to order the 5 lug conversion axle kit and not sure which one to get.. The brake drums are off and I am measuring from square flange on end of tube to the same on other side and the measurement I am getting is right around 56.25 inches from square flange to square flange...if I measure from backing plate lip to other backing plate lip its right at 55 inches...Can anyone help me? The kits are 63-69 and then 70 only...don't want to order the wrong one. Looked at old threads and didn't get a lot of helpful info that I

Thanks in advance.
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