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Old 10-22-2020, 04:59 PM   #17
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Re: Bench Seat Identification

Originally Posted by SkidmoreGarage View Post
Happy they helped. Good call to take it apart (carefully). It isn't rocket science but it is surprisingly time-consuming. Be ready to improvise. You can see what I had to do.

My last MTB was a SC Bronson, sold it to buy the Ripmo. I see you are in Auburn, small world. I lived in Davis for school, and a little while after. I worked in Carmichael. I did a bit of mountain biking years ago with some friends up Clementine and down some trails (I was on a race hardtail, so they seemed intense at the time). I think I went through a tunnel? I also made a few trips to Salmon Falls. Do they still have the half iron triathlon in Auburn every year? I did that one year.
If you rode through a tunnel, then that was the Culvert trail, which takes you back down toward the canyon from the top of Clementine. Yeah, most of the trails in Auburn are pretty tame, but I like being able to ride straight from my house. I spent five years in Davis when I was in school. It sure is a small world. My grandma lived in Portland when I was a kid (Lake Oswego), so we spent a lot of time up there. It's a nice area.

Time to dig out the hog ring pliers...
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