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Old 10-26-2020, 11:56 AM   #3
Steve Cole
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Re: Anyone ever see this fault code? It sounds serious!

Thanks for the quick reply Clinebarger!

As for your questions- I am running the factory 2005 alternator. I don't know if the battery is being charged by the alternator or what the battery voltage is while running because i have not run the motor more than a few seconds at a time because I don't have the radiator hooked up yet and I am trying to get the O/H tranny full of fluid, the cluster isn't installed yet etc. I just finished up the air intake yesterday. I wanted to figure out this fault code before I put the cluster in just in case it is a under dash wiring issue I need to correct.

You asked if the regulator was plugged in. I thought the alternator was internally regulated. Where is this regulator located? What about the Alt. control module, is it internal? TIA
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