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Old 10-30-2020, 07:38 PM   #1
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Join Date: Sep 2018
Location: colorado springs, co.
Posts: 15
69 c10 wiper function problem

I had the cowl cover and wiper arms off of my truck for 2 months . The cab top was being repainted and he also did some paint/paint brush work down in the bottom of the cowl area where the wiper motor and control arms are . Upon putting it all back together today I have the wipers going left to right to left properly while they are ON . . . When I turn the wipers off the arms / blades stop in the up / far left (looking out) position instead of down ( to the right) .
This is consistent .

I have had the cowl / wiper arms off several times over 30 years and NEVER had this problem before . Can anybody shed some light on this ? ? I am at a complete loss as to what the fix is ? ? Thinking possibly the painter screwed something up when he was working down in that area . Thanks in advance
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