Re: Adding headers and new exhaust
I read your thread, no I wouldn’t go that far, you can most likely do it.
Couple of points, first are Mandrels better—yes, they don’t squeeze down in the bends, are they necessary- depending on how anal you are....stainless holds heat longer and does become brittle, looks nice but facts are facts.
Get online and buy a bunch of mandrel bends, they are not that expensive, gather up a huge dose of patience and go at it...get the v-band clamps and use them for the major joints, that way you can completely dis-assemble the system and not destroy anything.....when you’re finished and someone asks where it was done, you tell them my shop....
I started doing this years ago because I didn’t like what I was getting at any of the best muffler shops and all the kits had to me modified anyway...
Look forward to seeing your project