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Old 11-12-2020, 11:15 AM   #183
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Re: 51 Chev on a S10 frame, named Dale

I was never happy with my clutch master being located under the dash, so I decided to mount the clutch master on the firewall, where it belongs.

Well, that started a chain reaction of expenses. First, I needed to buy a small, 7 inch, brake booster to create space on the firewall (the S10 booster is almost 12 inch diameter)

Then , I purchased the American Power Train adapter plate to allow the push rod to go 'directly' into the master.

Then, thinking I could reuse the S10 Brake master, but No, the flange on the S10 master would not fit inside the hole of the new 7 inch booster, so I had to buy a new Brake Master.

Now, after logging several miles on the new set up, it is great. Clutch pressure is OK, wife thinks it is a little stiff, but it does not keep her from driving it, and the feel of the brakes is good too.

Also found some rear view mirrors at Speedway. I think they look good, but the passenger side does not adjust to be functional. I guess this where form trumps function..... and there is great visibility in a 5 window anyways.

The neighbours love the truck and want to decorate it for Christmas..... not sure exactly what that means ???

Still lots to do, but enjoying the process.
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