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Old 11-13-2020, 07:13 PM   #429
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Re: 57 Chevy Wagon - Californa Dreamin'

It's been a fairly productive week. Got the front window channels for the vent delete formed and installed. All the power lifts are in and working as well. Inside and outside fuzzys have been adjusted and fastened with 3/32" rivets. I was caught a bit off guard by the shape of the front windows, Didn't realize they aren't quite parallel front to rear which means they only fit in a certain direction. They also get a bit snug in the channels when rolled all the way down but not so much so that it affects the operation.

After finishing the mechanical part of the power window install, I started work on the wiring. The suicide doors open very wide at the rear and there was no practical way to run a cable from the door to the jamb. I picked up a set of Carolina Custom wiring eliminators off of eBay to solve that issue. Using them means the windows and rear speakers won't work with the doors open, but that's a minor inconvenience. I still had to machine a couple of spacers to get the contacts to work properly. After a couple of adjustments, everything lined up very nicely. I'll probably use wire looms in the front since I don't have the same problem there.
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