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Old 11-14-2020, 12:00 PM   #7
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Re: gmc who has added heat and possibly a/c

Originally Posted by mr48chev View Post
One thought, if you have a bad heater core in your stock heater now or it has to have some other work it isn't financially prudent to buy a new heater core for one at today's costs and then replace it in a year or so. If it has the recirculating heater with the round core you are looking at well over 200 for a heater core and that goes a long way towards a complete unit.

If you have a working stock heater that doesn't leak and are looking at upgrading later that isn't an issue though.

Those hang under the dash AC units will get the inside of a truck cab just flat cold even in 100+ weather but if you ride with a passenger in the middle a lot they are knee bangers and the cold air blasts right on the passenger's legs. Had one that I transferred between two rigs and when I had it in my 59 ElCamino it would freeze us out in Central Texas in the summer time.
To be honest I have a heater but have no clue if it works so was looking to upgrade since my husband wants me to do a/c at least someday. And yes sadly I like the idea of the underdash and the lesser cost and easier install are so right! I do hope to have 3 sometimes but 90% will probably just be me and the dimensions make them stick out at least 3 inches past the dash which seems a little offputting 😩 vintage does have a slimline series I guess that would maybe only stick out 1.5 inches but isnt quite as visually appealing haha.
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