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Old 11-16-2020, 05:06 PM   #11
Short 3/4
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Location: Los Osos Ca
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Re: First timer with axle questions.

Originally Posted by 70RedBlurr View Post
4X4 Community comes through once again spitting information and dropping knowledge.
So I know I want disc brakes up front and stay 6 luggers. My biggest fear was dropping in my 383 stroker and breaking an axle. I mean my stroker is most definitely not putting out 600 foot pounds of torque, but I want to do my axles once and not have to upgrade to 8 lug and then have to chase down another set of 8 lug weld wheels. Jeffahart thanks for the link brother. I quickly realized what kind of offroading i am going to be doing and what my needs are. Ill be doing mostly fire roads, some intermediate trails to camping locations and for sure hitting those mud pits! I would be really happy driving to the junkyard or searching Craigslist for some used factory axles i could rebuild with some slightly beefier parts and add a limited slip or locker to. I know for sure I dont need custom fabbed axle housings. Although I will more than happily entertain the thought of buying beefier rebuilt OEM axles from a shop that wont break the bank. anyone out there have any recommendations?
Oh and is cross over steering worth converting to in my application??
Thank you once again gents for the input. I am reading it all and doing research as well.
Not sure what Central Coast you live on, but if it's the California one I can strongly recommend Matt at American Gear in San Luis Obispo. He's done a lot of work on my old junk over the years and always treated me right.
As far as upgrades go, I would put some miles one what you have right now. Unless you have a trust fund burning a hole in your pocket you will find out what you truly want and need. You might even be pleasantly surprised at what some of that old factory stuff is capable of. I'm not preaching concourse factory preservation here, as God only knows I have never left any vehicle stock for long, it's just that I've always had to work hard for my money, so like to be absolutely sure before I fix a part that aint broke.
Have fun with the project however it turns out
65 short stepside K10
8 lug closed D44 front
NoSpin HO72 4.10 rear
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